Friday, January 18, 2013

Praise Be! The U.S. Market Has Narrowly Avoided Albert Edwards' "Ultimate Death Cross"

Back in July 2012 the "Ultimate Death Cross" was all anyone could talk about. 
At least in my narrowly parochial part of the world.
From Avondale Asset Management:

Mayan Apocalypse (Cross) Averted 
 Circling back on a slightly ridiculous market indicator that we had been tracking here: not only was the Mayan Apocalypse averted back in December, but so was the Mayan Apocalypse Cross (which we dubbed a cross over of the 50/200 month moving average).  Thanks to the rally that we've had since November the apocalypse cross never happened.  The 50 month moving average has only crossed below the 200 month twice in the last 100 years, once at the end of the 70s bear market and once in the middle of the depression.

Speaking of moving averages, the 50 and 200 day moving averages have recently crossed for 10 year interest rates....MORE
July 16 
Societe Generale's Albert Edwards on Analysts as Leading Indicators (and something about us approaching the Ultimate Death Cross)

July 18 
Ummm... Regarding Albert Edwards and the "Ultimate Death Cross", Never mind

Here's the Google search for Albert Edwards 200 month death cross. Most of the usual suspects except for FT Alphaville who appear to have deferred to some broadsheet printed on soothing pink paper.

Should I get "Ultimate Death Cross" copyrighted? That little ® would look pretty snazzy.